
One day, when a blind man was walking along the road, he came to a rough section and did not know how to go on.

  Fortunately he heard a lame man coming along, and asked him to help him out of his difficulty.

  "How can I help you?" answered the lame man. "I can scarcely drag myself along. I am lame, and you look very strong."

  "I am strong enough," said the blind man. "I can go if I can only see the way."

  "Oh, we may help each other then," said the lame man. "If you take me on your shoulders, we can both get out of the difficulty. I will be the eyes for you, and you will be the feet for me."

  "Oh, it's a good idea," said the blind man. "Let's help each other."

  So he took his lame friend on his back, and they were able to travel safely and happily.



