
My name is Huckleberry Finn, but it is too long, so everybody calls me Huck. Have you ever read a book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? It is a story about Tom Sawyer and me. Tom is my best friend.

  This is the story: Tom and I found the money that some robbers hid in a cave and it made us rich. Each of us got six thousand dollars. When Judge Thatcher learned this, he said, "I'll keep the money for you. I'll give you one dollar every day. It is not good for young boys to have lots of money."

  Widow Douglas took me as her son. She said, "Huck, stay with me. Your father has gone somewhere. I'll take good care of you and make you a good boy." So I decided to stay with her. She was very kind, but I didn't feel comfortable there because her sister Miss Watson lived with us. She always tried to teach me reading and writing. I didn't like to study so much at home.

  One day, after supper, I went up to my room with a piece of candle and put it on the table. Then I sat down in the chair by the window. I tried to think of something cheerful, but it was no use. I felt so lonesome that I wanted to die. The stars were shining in the sky, and the leaves rustled in the woods. Then I thought I heard a "Me-yow! me-yow!" in the distance. A cat was coming closer and closer. When it came to our house, it stopped. That was good. Now I said, "Me-yow! me-yow!" Then I put out the light and scrambled out of the window, and slipped down onto the ground.

  There I found Tom Sawyer in the dark. We went along a path among the trees. We were very careful not to make a noise. I followed Tom till we got to the edge of the hilltop. There we could see the whole village with three or four lights twinkling, and the Mississippi River.

  We went down the hill and saw Jo, Rogers, and two or three more boys.

  After Tom made everybody swear to keep it a secret, he showed them a hole in the hill in the thickest part of the bushes. Then we lit the candles and crawled in on our hands and knees. We went about two hundred yards and there the cave opened up. Then we went along a narrow place and got into a room which was damp and cold.

  When we stopped there, Tom said, "Now, we'll form this band of robbers and call it Tom Sawyer's Gang." "What do we do?" said one of the boys.

  "Only robbery and murder," Tom answered.

  Little Tommy was asleep now, and when the boys woke him up, he was scared. He cried,and said, "I want to go home to Mammy. I don't want to be a robber any more." So they all made fun of him and called him cry-baby. That made him mad and he said, "I will go home and tell everyone about the secret."

  But Tom gave him five cents to keep him quiet. He said, "All of us will go home and meet next week. Then we'll rob somebody and kill some people."

  Ben said the only days he could go out were Sundays. But other boys said it was not right to do something wrong on Sundays. So they agreed to get together and fix a day as soon as possible.

  Then we elected Tom Sawyer first captain of the gang and we all went home. When I got into my room through the window, the sun was already beginning to rise.

  My daddy had gone somewhere. I had not seen him for more than a year. That was fine with me. I didn't want to see him any more because he often hit me when he had no money to buy whiskey.

  We played robbers now and then for a month and then I resigned. All the boys did, too. We robbed nobody, and we killed nobody, either.

  Three or four months passed, and winter came. I went to school every day. I could spell and write a little now and could say the multiplication table up to six times seven is thirty-five. At first I hated school, but by and by I was able to stand it. I got used to the widow's ways, too.

  One day I went to the front garden. There was an inch of snow on the ground. I found somebody's tracks there. They were my daddy's, I thought. When I lit my candle and went up to my room that night, there sat Daddy. I shut the door. He looked very old. His hair was long and his clothes were just rags. There was no color in his face. He looked like a sick man.

  He said, "You seem to be very happy and rich. They say you have six thousand dollars. I came here to get some money from you. Give me that money tomorrow. I have no money and I'm very poor."

  "Judge Thatcher has got it. I don't have any money with me now," I said. But when he knew I had one dollar, he took it and said he was going downtown to get some whiskey.

  The next day he was drunk and went to Judge Thatcher's and tried to make him give upthe money, but he couldn't. Then he came to me again and told me not to go to school. He didn't think I needed to learn how to read and write. So when he saw me going to school, he always hit me.

  One day he came to the widow's house where I lived. He took me up the river about three miles in a boat. We crossed over to the Illinois shore, where there was an old cabin. He kept me with him all the time, so I never had a chance to run off. We lived in that old cabin and he always locked the door, and put the key under his head every night. He had a gun which he had stolen. He went hunting wild animals with it. I fished in the Mississippi. Wild animals and fish were all we got for our meals. Almost every other day he locked me in and went to town. He traded game and fish for whiskey, and brought it home and got drunk.

  I didn't go to school for a month. At first I wanted to go back to school because I was beginning to enjoy studying. But by and by I got lazy. Then I thought it comfortable to lie or fish every day instead of studying.













