
Zeus wished to fill the earth with animals. He called the titans Prometheus andEpimetheus to him. He ordered Epimetheus to create the animals. The titan did so, and to each animal he gave some power. To some he gave strength, to some swiftness, to some claws and to some thick skin. Every animal had a way to stay alive.

  Zeus ordered Prometheus to make a wise animal, and this we call man. Prometheus took some earth and mixed it with water. He shaped it in the image of the gods. He blew into it the breath of life. Man was given an upright form. All the other animals must turn their faces downward. Only man can look around him and look up at the stars in the night sky.

  But man was naked and his skin was soft. He had no fur to protect him, no wings to fly, no fins to swim. Epimetheus had given all the powers to the other animals.

  Prometheus knew he had to give something good to man. So he went up into heaven to get fire from the sun and give it to man. With this great gift man could warm himself and protect himself from the animals.

  But he could also use fire to shape metal and make weapons. Zeus was afraid that with fire, man would become as powerful as the gods. He punished Prometheus for giving fire to man by chaining him to a big rock for centuries.



