
Towards the evening he passed through the gate of the city with a heavy heart. But oddly enough, the guards bowed down and said, "How handsome our lord is!" A crowd of citizens followed him and cried out, "Surely our lord is the most handsome man in the world!"

But the Star-Child didn't understand them. He thought they were making fun of his misery.

Suddenly the gate of the palace opened. The priests and the high-ranking officers of the city ran to meet him and said, "You are our lord, the son of our king. We have been waiting for you."

But the Star-Child said to them, "I am not a king's son. I'm the child of a poor woman beggar─and as ugly as a toad!"

"No. You are as good-looking as a flower," said one of the soldiers.  "Look!" He held up his shield.

The Star-Child looked and found a handsome boy reflected in the polished shield. He was handsome again! The high-ranking officers knelt down and said with one voice, "Our Lord!"

But he said to them, "I do not deserve this, for I have denied my own mother. I cannot rest till I find her. Please let me go. I must wander again all over the world."

He turned his face from them towards the street. Just then in the twilight he saw the woman beggar─his mother─among the crowd. And the old beggar stood at her side.

He ran towards her and knelt down. He cried out, "Mother, please forgive me." He sobbed bitterly and his tears washed her feet.

The woman beggar put her hand on his head, and said to him, "Stand up."

He rose from his feet and looked at them. And lo! He saw a king and a queen before him.

The king said, "This is your mother whose feet you washed with your tears. Now, my son, this crown is yours."

The king took off his crown and put it on the Star-Child's head. On the top of the crown a golden star was shining in the shades of night.








说完他转头往街上看去。就在天色转黑之际,他在人群中看到那名乞妇 ──他的母亲,还有那个老乞丐站在她旁边。




