
Now the queen felt sure that she was the most beautiful woman. So she asked the mirror who was the most beautiful.

  "Queen, you are very beautiful, but Snow White living with the seven little men is much more beautiful."

  When she heard this, she got red with anger. Again the wicked queen planned to kill her. She painted her face, disguised herself as an old peddler woman, and set out. She went across the mountains and at last came to the house of the seven dwarfs. She knocked on the door and cried, "Laces! Colorful laces!"

  "I have nothing to fear to let in this good woman," thought Snow White. She opened the door and bought some pretty laces.

  "What a pretty child you are!" said the old woman, who was really the wicked queen. "Let me lace you nicely."

  Snow White stood before her. But the old woman laced her up so tightly that Snow White could not breathe. Soon she fainted.

  Towards evening, the dwarfs returned home and saw their dear Snow White lying on the floor. They rushed to her and they raised her up and cut the lace around her neck. Then she began to breathe.

  "The old peddler woman was really the wicked queen," said the dwarfs to Snow White. "Never let anyone in when we are not here."

  As soon as the queen got home, she went to her glass and asked who was the most beautiful woman in the world. The mirror told her that Snow White was much more beautiful. She knew that she was still alive.

  "Now," she said, "I must think of something that will surely put her to death." Finally, by using magic, she made a poisoned comb. Again she disguised herself as another old woman. She went across the mountains and stood in front of the house of the seven dwarfs.

  "Combs! Combs for your pretty hair!" she cried.

  Though she was told not to let anyone in, Snow White wanted to have a comb and opened the door. The old woman said, "What pretty hair you have! Let me comb your hair."

  As soon as the comb touched her hair, the poison began to work, and Snow White fell down dead. Fortunately, it was now near evening and the seven dwarfs came home. They found her lying on the floor. They ran to her and pulled the comb out of her hair. Happily Snow White came to herself.

  Then the dwarfs told her once more never to let anyone into the house.













