Join a weight-loss program.

Open a newspaper or turn on the television, and you’re certain to be bombarded with advertisements for weight-loss programs of every kind.
Some offer great advice and support. Millions of people have been helped by programs such as Weight Watchers, which encourages gradual, steady weight loss through a nutritious diet.
Some others, however, are not very good at all and may even be outright dangerous, telling you to eat questionable concoctions or overextending yourself physically.
Choose a weight-loss program by asking the following questions suggested by the American Dietetic Association:
How qualified are the people running the program? Is their sole claim to fame the fact that they lost some weight recently and now think they can show everybody else how to do so? Program leaders should be trained and experienced.
Does the program present nutrition information, encourage you to exercise and offer counseling to help you change your habits and attitudes toward food?
Does the program offer follow-up? A good program will not just help you get thin and then send you off to fend for yourself. A good program will help you stay healthy and fit.
该项计划是否提供 追踪治疗?好的减重计划不是只帮助你变瘦,然后把你打发走让你自生自灭。好的减重计划会帮助你持续保持健康苗条。


Join a weight-loss program.
