
Odysseus  was one of the Greek kings who fought the great war against the city of Troy. He was not the strongest of the Greeks, but certainly the cleverest. For ten long years the Greeks fought the Trojans but could not win. Then Odysseus had a plan. He told the Greeks to build a great wooden horse and leave it in front of the city gates. Then the Greeks sailed away, but they didn't sail far.

The Trojans thought that the Greeks had given up and left the horse as a gift. Joyfully, they brought the horse into the city. But there were several Greek warriors inside the horse. When night came, they opened the city gates. The Greek fleet returned and the Greek army entered the city. Because of Odysseus' trick, the Greeks won the war.

But this was just the beginning of Odysseus' adventures. It took him ten more years to return to his home in Greece. He and his men met many dangers and setbacks. Finally, Odysseus had only one ship and a small crew left.

One morning, Odysseus and his companions saw a mysterious island. They needed food and drink, so they went ashore.

There were many grapes and sheep there. They found plenty to eat and drink.

Odysseus wanted to explore the island. Soon, he and his men found a cave. When they entered, they saw lambs and kids inside pens. They saw the skins and bones of animals lying around the cave. They saw firewood near a fireplace.

Suddenly, the men heard a sound like thunder. A herd of sheep were driven into the cave and a terrible giant followed behind them. He was taller than three men, and had one huge eye in the middle of his forehead. The giant rolled a huge rock in front of the entrance of the cave. Then he saw the Greeks. "Who are you?" he cried.

"Sir, we are Greeks returning from the Trojan War," answered Odysseus.

The giant gave no answer. Suddenly he grabbed two of the Greeks and threw them against the side of the cave, killing them instantly. He broke open their heads and ate their brains.

The Greeks cried out in horror and fear. They hid themselves in the rocks around the cave.

The giant ignored them. He milked his sheep and then went to sleep.

The men thought hard about how they could escape. Then Odysseus had a brilliant idea.

"Men," he said, "we have a lot of grapes with us. Let's make wine for the giant!" The men squeezed all the juice out of the grapes and left it to turn into wine.

The next morning the giant left the cave to graze his sheep. He closed the cave with the big rock. When he returned, he looked hungrily at the men.

Just then Odysseus cried, "Wine! Wine for the great giant!" Bravely, he walked up to the giant and offered him a bowl of wine. The giant drank it greedily. "More wine for the giant!" ordered Odysseus. The giant drank many bowls of wine. He became very drunk and finally fell asleep.

The giant had a long staff made of hard wood. Odysseus and his men stole it. They sharpened one end of it into a point. Then they climbed onto the chest of the giant and drove the point into the giant's one eye!

The giant roared in pain and clutched at his eye. He rolled on the ground in agony. He was blinded, but he did not die.

Some time later, he had to let his sheep out to feed. But he did not want the Greeks to escape. So he felt each animal as it left the cave.

Odysseus saw this. He and his companions took the biggest sheep. They crawled under them and hung onto them as they left the cave. The giant did not discover the men. And in that way Odysseus escaped the terrible giant.


















