

4. Specify Who You Are and Why You Are Writing 表明身份及来信理由

This is especially true if you are writing to the person for the first time. Don't

make the reader guess who the e-mail is from and your purpose in writing

him or her. Confusion is uncomfortable.


5  Don't Make People Try to Read Your Mind 不要让人去猜测你的想法

If you are vague and imprecise, the results you receive will very likely be

less than satisfactory. You can save time and aggravation (on both your

part and the other's part) by being clear. The results will definitely be better

if people don't have to guess what you want or mean.


6  Avoid Long, Rambling Messages 避免冗长含糊的讯息

Your goal is to be concise, not impress people with your ability to string

together ideas. In short, short is good, and long (usually) is bad. If you

have many points that are not closely linked, think about splitting them up

into different e-mails and sending them separately. Using bullet points also

helps if a message is long.


7  Choose Between Formal and Casual 在正式与非正式间做选择

Make sure the vocabulary you choose is appropriate to the situation.

Use titles (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) in formal correspondence. Avoid slang and

emoticons (such as "smilies") unless the e-mails are informal messages

between coworkers or friends. In addition, the type of abbreviated

vocabulary - e.g. "c u" (see you), "Gr8" (great) – shouldn't be included in

formal writing.

务必确保你所选用的词汇适合该情境。在正式书信使用(先生、女士、博士等)的称谓。除非是同事或朋友之间的电子邮件,否则就要避免使用俚语或表情符号(如“笑脸符号”)。此外,缩写词汇如“c u”(音似see you 表“再见”),“Gr8”(音似great 表“太棒了”)不应出现在正式的写作中。
