
With the outbreak of SARS, how to control this highly contagious disease has become a major _____ in Taiwan.

(A) affair

(B) doubt

(C) obstacle

(D) concern

随着SARS 的爆发,如何控制此一高度传染性的疾病已成了台湾一项重大关切。


a. (A) affair n. 事务;婚外情

international affairs 国际事务

have an affair with sb 与某人有染

(B) doubt n. 怀疑

(C) obstacle n. 障碍 (与介词 to 连用)

be an obstacle to success 是成功的绊脚石

(D) concern  n. 关切

b. contagious  a. 传染性的

infectious  a. 传染性的

