Sharing Is Caring|分享

Sharing Is Caring



  Last Saturday, John took his five-year-old daughter, Nina, to a park. There, Nina spotted a man selling cotton candy and urged her daddy to buy some. Although there was a long line, John agreed. However, when it was their turn to order, John and Nina were disappointed to learn all the cotton candy had been sold out. Tears started rolling down Nina's cheeks and her face turned into a big frown. Then she cried so loudly that her father felt embarrassed.

  John tried everything he could to calm Nina down, but nothing worked. People passing by began to stare at Nina, and some of them gave her dirty looks. John felt helpless because he didn't know what to do. Just then, a beautiful lady stooped down and asked Nina if she wanted her cotton candy. She stopped crying suddenly, and a big smile appeared on her face. The kind woman refused to accept the money John offered her. John thought it was great that there were good people like the lady in the world.






Sharing Is Caring|分享
