Tears on the Finish Line|终点线的眼泪

Tears on the Finish Line

by Olivia Wycech

Even after a tough injury, a runner was determined to cross the finish line.

  It was the summer of 1992 in Barcelona, Spain, when Derek Redmond stepped up to the starting line of the men's 400-meter Olympic semi-final race. He had spent the better part of four years undergoing unimaginably difficult mental and physical training for this race. Tragedy struck only 150 meters into the race when the sprinter's hamstring tore apart. Redmond suddenly keeled over, and agony was painfully visible on his face. Despite his four years of grueling training, it was clear that his life-long dream of achieving an Olympic medal had been destroyed along with his hamstring.

  Since we were children, it has been etched into our brains that sports are less about winning or losing and more about how you play the game. The Olympics have long been promoting this message, and what Redmond did next is the epitome of the Olympic spirit. Determined to finish the race, Redmond picked himself up off the ground and began hobbling towards the finish line. The pain he was experiencing turned into tears, and he sobbed uncontrollably as he struggled to reach the finish line. His father, who had been watching from the sidelines, pushed his way past authorities and physically supported his son to the finish line. Redmond finished last in the race.

  To this day, this moment is among the saddest in sports history, but it is also one of the most moving. Redmond's determination prevailed over the physical and mental pain that he was experiencing, but shame also kept making him cover his face with his hand as he limped towards the finish line. His proud father kept removing it, and they finished the race together in what is now regarded as one of the most iconic and courageous acts of sportsmanship of all time.




  时间是 1992 年的夏天,地点是在西班牙的巴塞隆纳,当时参加奥运男子四百公尺赛跑准决赛的德瑞克‧雷蒙德正走向起跑线。为了参加这项赛事,他在过去四年中大部份的时间都在接受常人难以想象且极为困难的精神和体能训练。比赛才开始跑了一百五十公尺时悲剧就发生了,这名短跑选手的肌腱撕裂了。雷蒙德突然倒地,脸上露出十分痛苦的表情。不管他四年来的训练有多么艰辛,很明显地他想拿下奥运奖牌的这个毕生梦想伴随着他的肌腱撕裂而被摧毁了。






Tears on the Finish Line|终点线的眼泪
