Cruelty-Free Fashion|『零残忍』运动

by Daniel Howard

The movement for vegan fashion won a huge victory in West Hollywood.

  Vegans are very strict vegetarians. As part of their diet, they cannot eat anything that comes from animals, including dairy, eggs, and even honey. For the most part, vegans have chosen this _(1)_ because it is environmentally friendly and kind to animals. Therefore, it is perfectly _(2)_ that vegans don't wear clothes made from animal products, either.

  Wool comes from sheep, and though the animals aren't _(3)_ when it's collected, strict vegans won't wear it. Likewise, leather is made from animal skin, so this _(4)_ many shoes and fashion accessories for vegans. Then there is fur, which most _(5)_ comes from animals. Due to long-standing problems of cruelty in the fur industry, it is considered one of the worst clothing materials and its use is widely protested.

  Anti-fur groups have recently won a huge victory. In September 2013, West Hollywood in California enacted a law banning the sale of fur clothing. It is the first city in the United States to do so, and many of the residents are very happy about the decision. The ban _(6)_ fur joins local restrictions that have outlawed removing cats' claws, selling animals in pet shops, and performances that feature exotic animals. There is some strong _(7)_ to the law, mainly from high-end store owners, but the city's leaders are holding their ground. West Hollywood is determined to lead the way in the fight against animal cruelty.

1. (A) adulthood (B) maintenance (C) lifestyle (D) optimism

2. (A) reasonable (B) horizontal (C) tentative (D) vertical

3. (A) altered (B) harmed (C) condemned (D) excluded

4. (A) devours (B) initiates (C) notifies (D) eliminates

5. (A) obviously (B) sentimentally (C) exceptionally (D) indifferently

6. (A) at (B) with (C) over (D) on

7. (A) tuition (B) addiction (C) opposition (D) concession



  Vegan 就是严守素食主义的人。正如他们在饮食这方面一样,他们不能食用任何来自动物的食品,包括乳制品、鸡蛋,甚至是蜂蜜。大多数情况下,严守素食主义者选择了这种生活方式的原因是因为它有助环保,且对动物来说是仁慈的。因此,严守素食主义者也不会穿戴由动物产品所制成的服饰,这一点也就完全合情合理了。


  反皮草团体近来已大获全胜。2013 年九月,位于加州的西好莱坞市颁布了一项禁止贩售皮草成衣的法令。它是美国第一个这么做的城市,而且许多居民对于这项决定都非常满意。这项皮草禁令结合了地方制约,将拔除猫咪的爪子、在宠物店贩售动物,还有主打珍禽异兽为特色的表演定为非法的行为。虽然有一些强烈反对该项法律的声浪,主要是来自高档的商店业主,但该市的领导阶层坚守立场。西好莱坞市决心要带头在这场斗争中抵抗虐待动物的事件。

答案: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A

6. D 7. C




Cruelty-Free Fashion|『零残忍』运动
