A Prize of Excellence|追求卓越

by William Ryan

Joseph Pulitzer was a forward-thinking newsman who wanted other journalists to excel.

  Winning a Pulitzer Prize has long been considered the most important recognition of exceptional achievement in the field of journalism. _(1)_ Currently, there are 21 Pulitzer Prize categories in all.

  The man behind the highly prestigious awards was a Hungarian-born visionary named Joseph Pulitzer. _(2)_ His uncompromising commitment to reporting the news truthfully was acclaimed throughout the land during the late 1800s. Pulitzer published two innovative newspapers. _(3)_ He was also the first to call for university training of journalists.

  Pulitzer left money in his will for Columbia University to establish the Pulitzer Prize and start a journalism school. _(4)_ Pulitzer's purpose in establishing the prizes was to provide an incentive for excellence. Originally, the founder intended for 13 of them to be awarded in various categories, including American novels, plays, and biographies. However, there have been many revisions since. As an example, in keeping with the original spirit and intention of the founder, awards in poetry, music, and photography were added.

  To be considered for a Pulitzer Prize, a piece of work must be formally entered, fit into a specific prize category, and accompanied by a US$50 entry fee. Perhaps surprisingly, awards are not always granted. In an effort to maintain the highest standard of excellence, the judges reserve the power to award no prize. _(5)_ Joseph Pulitzer's goal of promoting excellence has been achieved through the Pulitzer Prize.

(A) This extraordinarily skillful newspaper publisher was a passionate crusader against dishonesty in government.

(B) The will allocated US$250,000 for the prizes and scholarships.

(C) Established in 1917, this annual American award also honors numerous outstanding contributors in the fields of literature and musical composition.

(D) Such action would mean that none of the entrants in a particular category are worthy of receiving the award in the judges' estimation.

(E) His New York World and St. Louis Post Dispatch reshaped newspaper journalism.



  赢得普立兹奖历来都被认为是对新闻界具有杰出成就所给予最重要的认可。这个一年一度的美国奖项设立于 1917 年,该奖项也颁给为数不少在文学领域及音乐创作上的杰出贡献者。目前普立兹奖共有二十一种类别。





答案: 1. C 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. D



A Prize of Excellence|追求卓越
