

Crops could soon be grown in greenhouses the size of skyscrapers in city centers across the world. Birds Eye and other food producers are investigating building plantscrapers, which could accommodate hundreds of stories' worth of crops, in a bid to make farming more economical, sustainable, and able to meet increasing demands.

The vertical farms would use an innovative feeding system which nourishes plants with enriched water, thereby cancelling out the need for soil and the need for food to be grown and harvested in the countryside. These special farms could dramatically increase crop yields because the climate inside can be controlled and growing can occur all year round. The plants would be under cover, so pesticides would not need to be used.



农作物很快就可以在世界各地的市中心栽种在摩天大楼这样大的温室里了。为了使农耕变得更加经济、更能永续经营以及满足与日俱增的需求,Birds Eye 公司(英国一家冷冻食物品牌)以及其他的食品制造商正在研究要打造摩天农场,里面可容纳价值数百层楼产量的农作物。


meet the demand  满足需求;达到要求


如今,瑞典、日本、中国大陆、新加坡与美国的芝加哥,都有计划或是正在兴建精密的摩天农场。在瑞典的林柯平(Linkoping),瑞典公司 Plantagon 正在兴建 54 公尺高的建筑物。到了 2014 年,这栋建筑物可以生产许多绿色蔬菜,包括生菜、菠菜与芥蓝菜等。而 Birds Eye 目前正在研究 Verticrop 水耕栽培系统,运用在位于英国德翁(Devon)的佩根顿动物园(Paignton Zoo),生产供动物食用的廉价蔬菜。Birds Eye 也正在与研发这种技术的 Alterrus 公司协商,商讨如何提升这种系统的规模。其他主要作物,像是豌豆与菠菜,近期也将在实验中种植。



Microsoft Ditches Windows Live Messenger for Skype

Microsoft turned off Windows Live Messenger (WLM) in March 2013 worldwide, with the exception of China. The decision reflected the firm's determination to focus its efforts on Skype. WLM was launched in 1999 and was originally known as MSN Messenger. Over time, photo delivery, video calls, and games were added to the package's text-based messages.

According to Internet analysis firm Comscore, WLM had more than double the number of Skype's instant messenger users in the US at the start of 2013 and was second only in popularity to Yahoo Messenger. The report suggested WLM's US audience had fallen to 8.3 million unique users, which was a 48 percent drop from the previous year. By contrast, the number of people using Skype to instant-message each other grew over the same period.


微软为了Skype抛弃了 MSN

微软公司已于今年 3 月关闭全球的 Windows Live MessengerWLM),只有中国例外。这个决定反映了微软公司想集中精力于 Skype 上的决心。WLM 通讯软件于 1999 年推出,当时原本被称为 MSN Messenger。渐渐地,不论是传输照片、视讯通话及游戏都被增添到这个以传送即时消息为基础的程序包中了。

根据网络分析公司 Comscore 的报告指出,2013 年初,WLM 通讯软件在美国的用户数量是 Skype 实时通讯用户数量的两倍多,其普及率也仅次于雅虎 Messenger。该报告指出,WLM 通讯软件的美国独立用户与去年同期相比下降了百分之四十八,已经减少至 8 30 万,相较之下, Skype 即时消息的使用人数已超越了去年同期。

Windows Live MessengerWLM,俗称 MSN),是微软开发的实时通讯软件,而且是最多人使用的实时通讯软件之一。8.0 版本之前称为 MSN Messenger。现在的版本除了有基本的文字通讯之外还支持视频会议、语音交谈、多人会议、联机游戏等等延伸功能,并且容许用户在对话中插入它所提供的图示,也容许用户本身添加更多图示。自 6.0 版本起它更加强了用户个性化的功能,例如自定义图释、对话窗口的背景和主题、显示图片等。

2009 年,随着社群网站 facebook 的普及,WLM 的部份功能渐渐被取代,使得其用户量大幅下降。2011 年,随着智能型手机的通讯软件 WhatsApp LINE 等的普及,WLM 的使用率再受打击。(数据源:维基百科)



