America's Lost Treasures|发现国家宝藏

by Marcus Maurice

Is an antique American flag with 34 stars valuable enough to be shown in an exhibition?

  At the same time the citizens of the United States elected President Barack Obama to a second four-year term, they also voted to make Puerto Rico the 51st state. This was a bit of a surprise because the number of states in America has stayed the same for 53 years. To be finalized, though, this order has to go through Congress, so it might not happen. If it does, many things will have to be changed, including the instantly recognizable American flag. The 13 alternating red and white stripes symbolize the 13 original colonies that declared independence from England. In the top left corner, a blue rectangle is filled with 50 white, five-pointed stars that represent all the states. There have been many incarnations of the flag over the years as the number of states grew from 13 to 50. Now, there may be a new one if Puerto Rico is added.

  On National Geographic Channel's America's Lost Treasures, hosts Kinga Philipps and Curt Doussett travel to museums across the country to meet with people with extremely rare items from the country's past to see if any are worth adding to a special exhibition. A flag with 34 stars, dating from before West Virginia was added to the union in 1863, shows up, as well as a host of other objects. There is a big problem, though. A lot of the material from the flag is missing or worn away. Philipps and Doussett must decide if the flag, a C-melody saxophone, antique firearms, or some pre-historic dinosaur fossils should be placed in the exhibition. Watch America's Lost Treasures to see what happens to the flag and more.


一面绣有 34 颗星星的骨董美国国旗有珍贵到需要被展出吗?

  在美国公民选举巴拉克‧欧巴马连任 4 年的同时,他们也票选要让波多黎各成为美国第 51 州。这令人有些吃惊,因为美国的州数在过去 53 年来都没有变过。然而,这项命令还得由国会通过后才能确定,因此也许根本不会发生。如果它通过了,许多事情将必须有所改变,其中包括令人一眼就可以认出的美国国旗。13 条红白相间的条纹象征着最初 13 个宣布自英国独立的殖民地。在国旗的左上角,一个布满 50 颗五角星的蓝色长方形代表了美国所有州。多年来,这面国旗随着州数从 13 个成长至 50 个而一变再变。如今若是波多黎各被加进去的话,又会再变一次。

  在国家地理频道的《发现国家宝藏》节目中,主持人琴嘉菲利普和柯特杜塞特周游全美各地的博物馆,与那些拥有该国过去罕见物品的人士会面,他们想看看有没有任何东西值得放到一场特别的展览中。一面绣有 34 颗星星的国旗出现了,它可以回溯至西维吉尼亚州于 1863 年被纳入美国之前,另外还有许多其他物品。不过,有一个很大的问题。国旗的大部份布料都不见或是破损了。菲利普和杜塞特必须决定是否该将那面国旗、一把 C 调萨克斯风、骨董枪枝或是史前的恐龙化石列入展览。敬请收看《发现国家宝藏》节目来看看这面国旗及其他更多东西发生了些什么事。


  关于美国星条旗的起源没有一个准确及统一的说法,但在美国有一个广为流传的故事,第一面星条旗是由贝特西罗丝(Betsy Ross)在获得了乔治

华盛顿的亲自授权后缝制的。1773 年,当罗丝 21 岁时,与一位地毯装饰匠私奔,之后夫妇两人便做起生意。美国独立战争爆发后不久,罗丝的丈夫在一次爆炸中丧生,她便决定返回费城。由于她的针线活做得十分出色,1776 年初夏,她接待由乔治‧华盛顿、乔治‧罗斯(George Ross)和罗伯特‧莫里斯(Robert Morris)组成的三人委员会的拜访。华盛顿向罗丝出示新生的美利坚合众国国旗的设计图,并请她赶制第一面国旗。几天之后,当华盛顿等 3 人再次登门拜访时,罗丝已经完成了国旗的缝制工作,并向他们展示第一面美国国旗——星条旗。





America's Lost Treasures|发现国家宝藏
