Apple and HTC Settle Patent Disputes|没有永远的敌人

Apple and HTC Settle Patent Disputes

  Apple and Taiwanese phone maker HTC have settled all their outstanding disputes over patents, ending a fight that began in March 2010. The two firms also signed a 10-year license agreement that will extend to current and future patents held by one another.

  Apple has been embroiled in a series of patent wars with phone makers and its archrival Google. Unlike its rivals, HTC's sales have been in decline since the second half of 2011 despite having become a major global phone company by aligning itself with Google's Android platform. The firm has upgraded its HTC One flagship phone and introduced two new models running Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 software. "HTC is pleased to have resolved its dispute with Apple, so HTC can focus on innovation instead of litigation," said Peter Chou, head of HTC.



  苹果公司与台湾手机制造商宏达电(HTC)终于解决了所有有关专利权的争议,也结束了自 2010 3 月起所产生的所有纷争。这两家企业也签定了为期 10 年的授权协议,且这份协议还会扩展至目前以及未来彼此手上持有的专利权。

  苹果公司已被卷入和其他手机制造商及其主要竞争对手谷歌间一连串的专利战争之中。与竞争对手不同的是,即使宏达电已透过与谷歌的 Android 平台整合,成为了全球主要的手机公司,但其销售量已从 2011 年的下半年开始减少。该公司已将其主打产品 HTC One 升级,并推出了两款运用微软 Windows Phone 8 软件的新型手机。宏达电的执行长周永明说:『本公司很高兴解决了与苹果公司的纠纷,所以现在我们能着重于创新,而不用烦恼诉讼了。』

  宏达国际电子股份有限公司,简称宏达电,是一家台湾智能型手机与平板计算机自有品牌制造商,成立于 1997 年。目前其手机营收约占全球手机市场的百分之一,而智能型手机市占率为全球第 6、美国第 5、台湾第 2。该公司由王雪红(董事长)、周永明(执行长暨总经理)与卓火土(董事暨宏达基金会董事长)所创立。近年来由于受到新兴厂商崛起的压力,2006 6 月公司开始推出自创品牌 HTC 智能型手机,现已由代工厂转型为自有品牌。



What Facebook Users Share―Lower Grades

  Forget the widely unloved redesign. Facebook has committed a greater offense. According to a new study, college students who use the 200 million–member social network have significantly lower grade point averages (GPA) than those who do not. The study surveyed 219 undergraduate and graduate students and found that GPAs of Facebook users typically ranged a full grade point lower than those of non-users—3.0 to 3.5 for users versus 3.5 to 4.0 for their non-networking peers. It also found that 79 percent of Facebook members did not believe there was any link between their GPAs and their networking habits. The scientist in charge of the study says she isn't surprised by her findings but clarifies that the study does not suggest that Facebook directly causes lower grades, merely that there's some relationship between the two factors.



  忘掉普遍不受喜爱的改版吧。脸书已犯下了更大的罪行。根据一项最新的研究,使用脸书这个拥有两亿会员社群网络的大学生,其学业平均成绩远远低于那些不用脸书的学生。这项研究调查了 219 位大学生和研究生,结果发现脸书用户的学业平均成绩分布通常比非脸书用户还低──脸书用户平均成绩介于 3 3.5 分,而同侪间不使用脸书的人则是介于 3.5 4 分。这份研究还发现百分之七十九的脸书用户不相信他们的学业平均成绩会与他们上网习惯有关联。负责这项研究的科学家表示她对这项发现并不惊讶,但她也澄清说这项研究并未表明使用脸书会直接导致较低的成绩,只是两者间有些关联。

a series of...  一系列……


  『与网络共生』是什么意思?意它味着生活当中几乎不可一日没有网络,一旦上不了线,便觉浑身不对劲,彷佛跟世界脱节了一般。收发 E-mail、跟朋友聊天需要网络,听歌、看影片需要网络,查新闻、找数据需要网络,旅行、购物、看天气也通通需要网络。网络爱用者肯定都同意,网络是一种帮助人类活得更省力的利器。然而,这就像是把双面刃,它有可能导致人们与好友逐渐疏远,损害人们现实生活中的人际关系。网络毕竟是人发明出来的工具,是否会越用越笨,端看使用者采取的是聪明或笨方法。聪明的用户,懂得筛选有质量的内容,大幅缩减上图书馆找数据的时间,真正做到『秀才不出门,能知天下事』。但若不知节制、不分好坏地沉溺在没营养的茫茫信息海,潜移默化的结果,难保不面临思考力日渐退化的危机。(数据源:iThome Online 电子报)



Apple and HTC Settle Patent Disputes|没有永远的敌人
