A Worthwhile Cause | 遏止爱滋,履行承诺

by Marcus Maurice

World AIDS Day is an opportunity to focus on a major problem around the world.


The idea of choosing a day to simply bring attention to a cause might seem like a small thing. For important issues like AIDS, though, it is not enough that only researchers and doctors are _(1)_ the problem. People all over the world need to know about the situation. With World AIDS Day, the hope is to raise _(2)_ of AIDS and the difficulties people living with HIV and AIDS have.

In 1988, the World Health Organization _(3)_ December 1 World AIDS Day during a summit for AIDS prevention. It has _(4)_ been put into practice by governments and organizations around the world. The object of this day is to shed light on the myths about AIDS and to publicize the fact that there are an _(5)_ 33.4 million children and adults living with HIV and AIDS. Each year around World AIDS Day, charities and organizations have seminars, classes, and fundraisers with the focus on AIDS research.

From the start of the first World AIDS Day, each year has had a slogan. This year's will _(6)_ the last few years' highly successful slogan, "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise." This was decided on because 2010 is the year in which governments the world over promised to provide universal access _(7)_ HIV treatment. On December 1 of this year, take the time to talk about how serious the AIDS epidemic is as a way to honor World AIDS Day.

1.  (A) coming across   (B) filling out (C) taking after    (D) working on

2.  (A) guidance    (B) awareness   (C) response    (D) celebration

3.  (A) declared    (B) measured    (C) notified    (D) exposed

4.  (A) once    (B) after   (C) since   (D) until

5.  (A) estimating  (B) estimated   (C) estimation  (D) estimates

6.  (A) relieve (B) recall  (C) repeat  (D) remind

7.  (A) to  (B) from    (C) of  (D) with

单纯为了引起大众注意某件事而选择一天作为纪念日,这看起来或许微不足道,但对于像艾滋病这种重大议题而言,光靠研究人员及医生努力解决问题是不够的。世界各地的人都有必要了解情况。借着世界艾滋病日,希望大众能对艾滋病、以及感染 HIV 的人和艾滋病患者所面临的困难有更进一步的了解。

1988 年,在艾滋病防预计划的高峰会议上,世界卫生组织宣布 12 1 号为世界艾滋病日。全球各国政府及相关组织从此便将之付诸实行。世界艾滋病日的目的主要是揭开关于艾滋病的神秘面纱,并让大家知道以下这个事实,就是目前估计约有 3 3 40 万大人与小孩感染 HIV 和罹患艾滋病。每年在世界艾滋病日前后,慈善团体及机构都会举行针对艾滋病相关研究的研讨会、课程以及募款活动。

自从第一届的世界艾滋病日制订以来,每年都会有一个口号。今年的口号则是继续沿用过去几年相当成功的『遏止爱滋,履行承诺。』选用此口号是因为世界各国政府承诺在 2010 这年提供普及的 HIV 治疗管道。今年 12 1 号这天,花点时间讨论艾滋病这种传染病的严重性,来作为纪念世界艾滋病日的方式吧。

答案:1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (C) 7. (A)

For Your Information

艾滋病毒属滤过性病毒,由于体积极为渺小,现有的检测方法无法准确找出病毒,但由于身体会自然产生抗体对抗病毒,抗体增长在一段期间后将达到可被验出的水平。而这段期间被称为『空窗期』,通常大约为两星期(最快)到 3 个月不等,亦有个别案例长达 6 个月,世卫及各国政府则采用 3 个月为准。

在空窗期间接受爱滋抗体测试,有机会呈假阴性反应,因此必须等待怀疑受感染日起计最少 3 个月后接受测试,才可得出较准确结果。艾滋病毒抗体测试一般以抽血为主,有个别机构则采用尿液样本化验。以往,血液测试报告需等候一天至数天不等,自从民间团体引入新兴的快速测试后,几分钟至 10 多分钟不等便可知道艾滋病抗体血液结果。(数据源:维基百科)

